Frequently Asked Questions

Through the SCF's grant programs, individuals and entities are empowered to contribute to the betterment of society by supporting initiatives focused on education, healthcare, social welfare, and more!

Application Process

Applications can be sent via email, which is the preferred way for the Foundation to receive submissions. All supporting documents, including those not available electronically, should be scanned and included. Incomplete applications will not be considered. Applications can be sent by regular mail. However, they must reach the Foundation's office by the specified deadline date to be considered. 

Late applications are not accepted. 

How to Apply:

Visit the Granting section of our website to access the application forms.


The following groups are eligible to apply for Community Grants and SIPS Grants: Registered Charities (with CRA), Qualified educational institutions, Municipalities, Hospitals, Not-for-profit organizations who partner with a registered charity

Can my organization apply for a grant?

The Income Tax Act describes who is qualified to apply for a grant from a Foundation. The Canada Revenue Agency’s (CRA) website sets out who may apply (Charities section).

My organization is a non-profit but doesn’t have registered charitable status. Is it still possible to receive a grant?

Non-profit organizations can make formal application to CRA to obtain registered charitable status. It is also possible for a non-profit to establish a structured joint venture arrangement with a registered charity who shares your objectives and mission. In this instance, you, the non-profit, becomes an intermediary who carries out the project on behalf of the registered charity.  In this case, the grant application will be made by the registered charity. The registered charity and the intermediary must sign a Confirmation of Partnership Agreement  [make this a hot link to the document and submit it with the grant application to the Foundation.

When another charity agrees to participate in a joint venture project, what are the guidelines that the charity needs to consider?

CRA’s guidelines for charities using this arrangement are posted on their website.  Please refer to this reference when considering this.

Note the following information from the CRA:

  • A charity usually carries on its activities using its staff (including volunteers, directors, or employees), or through an intermediary (for example, an agent or contractor).
  • However, when using an intermediary, it must still direct and control the use of its resources, although it may generally delegate authority to make day-to-day operating decisions. 
  • A charity cannot merely be a conduit to funnel money to an organization that is not a qualified donee.

CRA requires that a charity take all necessary measures to direct and control the use of its resources when carrying out activities through an intermediary. When carrying out activities through an intermediary, the following steps are strongly recommended:

  • Create a written agreement with the intermediary and implement its terms.
  • Communicate a clear, complete, and detailed description of the activity to the intermediary.
  • Monitor and supervise the activity.
  • Provide clear, complete, and detailed instructions to the intermediary on an ongoing basis.
  • For agency relationships, segregate funds, as well as maintain separate books and records.
  • Make periodic transfers of resources, based on demonstrated performance.
  • A charity must maintain a record of steps taken to direct and control the use of its resources, as part of its books and records, to allow the CRA to verify that all of the charity’s resources have been used for its own activities.

When are the next application deadlines?

  • Community Grants (Stage 1 deadline is March 31st)
  • Social Investment Partnership Grants (SIPS) (Stage 1 deadline is June 1st)
  • Bursary Grants (Submission deadline is April 30th)

SCF will not fund the following:

Capital campaigns or general fund drives, endowment fund, applications from individuals except for scholarships and bursaries, debt retirement, retroactive projects or expenses, projects that promote specific philosophical, religious or political doctrines or beliefs, charitable activities that serve primarily only the membership or purposes of a religious organization, attendance at or costs of seminars, conferences, workshops, tours, or travel expenses unless part of an otherwise eligible project, achool projects that would ordinarily be paid for by educational institutions or third party distribution to other charities.